3rd grade place value hundreds, tens, units game

3rd grade place value hundreds, tens, units game - In real life, there are different hierarchies or positions in which people have different rankings, the higher your rank, the higher your authority is. In numbers, there are also rankings, and they are called place values. Unlike rankings and positions in real life, the higher the place value in numbers, the higher their amount is. The first one on the list of place values is ones, the number that is a single digit is considered as ones. Any number that is on the farthest right always has the place value of ones. The next number beside the ones has the place value of tens. Any number that is two digits has the place value of tens. The next one, the number on the third column has a place value of hundreds. We know that 100 has three digits and therefore, any number with three digits can be considered to have the place value of hundreds. There are more than those three place values, but as far as the coverage of 3rd-grade lessons and the ability of the learners, they will have to identify the first 3 place value before they proceed with higher place values