4th Grade Long Division Worksheets pdf

Long Division Exercise

Division with remainder Exercise

Division word problem exercise

Division exercise 5

Division exercise 6

Division exercise 7

Division exercise 8

Division exercise 9

Division exercise 10

Long division exercise 11

Long division exercise 12

Long division exercise 13

Long division exercise - with remainder 14

Long division exercise - with remainder 15

Long division exercise - with remainder 16

Long division exercise 17


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4th Grade Long Division Worksheets pdf

Grade 4 Worksheets >

Long division is an essential skill to add to any student’s journey towards mastering elementary-level arithmetic. In the fourth grade, all division-based topics are typically introduced after their counterparts in multiplication; division can also be tied into the same general processes and factors that aid a child in learning how to multiply.
By devoting a regular amount of time to studying this topic, kids can strive to attain proficiency with long division by the end of the year. In light of this, we have prepared these 4th Grade Long Division worksheets for them to steadily add more and more experience with long dividing under their belt.
Children learn at a variety of paces, although several tactics can be employed to boost their progress and recall over long dividing topics. Internalizing the contents of a multiplication table can be quite beneficial for kids throughout their elementary-level math journey. Practicing with two-digit or three-digit problems and progressively raising the difficulty over time can also be a useful tactic.
Long division can train children in improving their fine motor skill, as it is essential for them to keep track of each digit of their quotients and the decimal point position to avoid becoming disoriented while solving long, multi-digit problems.
Unlike with the other three arithmetic skills, dividing numbers – in the form of long division – requires a slightly different format to solve by hand. While the slash (/) or the sign (÷) are used as symbols for denoting a division equation, long division prompts children to construct a tableau.
The format for a tableau roughly refers to placing a short vertical line or a right parenthesis symbol between the divisor on the left and the divisor on the right. A long, horizontal line known as an overbar or a vinculum is then drawn over the dividend. The quotient and any remainders, where applicable, are then written upon this overbar. If a problem calls for writing down the remainder, it is usually separated from the quotient with a small letter “r”.
Depending on the solver’s preference, the horizontal and vertical lines composing the tableau may or may not be connected to each other.
We are glad to provide you with this collection of 4th Grade Long Division Worksheets for your child to progress smoothly with their math training. Open a membership account with us at KidsMathTV.com to gain complete access over our well-stocked library of online educational math resources.