Fraction worksheet for grade 1 | 1st grade fraction worksheets

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fraction worksheet for grade 1

Grade 1 Worksheets >

The fraction worksheet for grade 1 pack is a collection of worksheets covering different aspects under this topic. We encounter some aspects of fractions in many dimensions of our lives. Think about it, when you order a pizza and share it amongst your friends, you are actually applying some notions of fractions. Also think about the fact that when children share candies equally amongst their friends, they are actually manipulating fractions. It is easy to build on these life skills towards fractions as a topic taught in mathematics. With these worksheets, fractions will be taught through shaded portions of shapes like squares, triangles, rectangles and more. These worksheets contain shapes that are shaded into different units that represent a part of the whole. Talking about the whole, children will learn some fraction vocabulary, using terms like halves, whole, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths and more. One half for example is denoted as ½ and it means splitting an entity into two equal parts. One third means spitting an object into three equal parts and taking out a portion of it. Dividing into fourths means dividing an object into four equal parts. If you remember the example with pizzas, it makes sense now when you think about the fact that there is a dimension of equality with sharing pizzas. 1st grade fraction worksheets usually focus on vocabulary activities, recognition of what portions of a shape represent a certain fraction value and coloring fractions of a shape as instructed. At higher levels though, children are expected to adding and subtraction of fractions, solve fractions word problems and more. The worksheets we offer here are free pdf downloads in some cases with answer keys attached to the second page. Print out a worksheet and start practicing. These worksheets are of the finest quality and we offer clear graphics that maintain their clarity after printing. Have fun learning about fractions and remember to share these worksheets.

Fraction Worksheets for Grade 1: Understanding the Basics of Fractions

Fractions can be a challenging concept for first-grade students, but with the right resources and instruction, they can master this important mathematical skill. In this article, we will discuss the basics of fractions and provide a comprehensive guide to help grade 1 students learn and understand this concept through the use of fraction worksheets.

What are Fractions?

A fraction is a mathematical concept that represents a part of a whole. It is written as a numerator over a denominator, where the numerator represents the part and the denominator represents the whole. For example, a fraction of 1/2 represents one part of a whole that is divided into two equal parts.

Understanding Fraction Worksheets for Grade 1

Fraction worksheets for grade 1 students are designed to help them understand the basics of fractions and build a strong foundation for further mathematical learning. These worksheets typically feature visual aids and engaging activities that allow students to practice and reinforce their knowledge of fractions.

The Benefits of Using Fraction Worksheets for Grade 1 Students

Using fraction worksheets for grade 1 students has a number of benefits, including:

  • Reinforcing basic fraction concepts: Fraction worksheets provide a structured and interactive way for students to practice and reinforce their understanding of basic fraction concepts.

  • Developing problem-solving skills: Through the use of engaging activities and real-life examples, fraction worksheets help students develop important problem-solving skills.

  • Improving math confidence: By mastering the basics of fractions, students can develop a positive attitude towards math and improve their confidence in this subject.

How to Use Fraction Worksheets for Grade 1 Students

To get the most out of fraction worksheets for grade 1 students, it is important to use them regularly and in a supportive learning environment. Here are some tips to help you use these worksheets effectively:

  • Encourage active engagement: Encourage your students to actively engage with the worksheets by asking questions, solving problems, and providing feedback.

  • Use real-life examples: Connect the concepts of fractions to real-life examples to make them more meaningful and engaging for students.

  • Provide plenty of support: Offer plenty of support and encouragement to help students overcome any challenges they may face.

  • Make it fun: Incorporate fun and interactive activities into your lessons to keep students motivated and engaged.


Fractions can be a challenging concept for grade 1 students, but with the right resources and instruction, they can master this important mathematical skill. Fraction worksheets are a great tool to help students understand the basics of fractions and build a strong foundation for further mathematical learning. By using these worksheets in a supportive and engaging learning environment, you can help your students develop a positive attitude towards math and improve their confidence in this subject.