Grade 3 place value worksheets

 Grade 3 place value worksheets pdf for pratice. Review numbers in units, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths place.

Place value illustrated

 Place value  illustrated

Place value illustrated printable math worksheet

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Place value boards

 Place value boards

Place value boards printable math worksheet

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Place value exercise 2

 Place value exercise 2

Place value exercise 2 printable math worksheet

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Place value tens illustrated

 Place value tens illustrated

Place value tens illustrated printable math worksheet

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Place value with underlined digits

 Place value with underlined digits

Place value with underlined digits printable math worksheet

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Mode median mean

 Mode median mean

Mode median mean printable math worksheet

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Probability balls in a box

 Probability balls in a box

Probability balls in a box printable math worksheet

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Probability certain unlikely

 Probability certain unlikely

Probability certain unlikely printable math worksheet

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Probability illustrated

 Probability illustrated

Probability illustrated printable math worksheet

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Grade 3 Worksheets >

As a fundamental concept in basic math, the need to learn about place values should not be overlooked. It’s an essential aspect for children to appropriately grasp the quantity of a certain number. Fortunately, kids entering third grade will be relatively acquainted with the concept of place values, enough to understand the value of each number in, say, a three-digit number like 651. However, it’s vital that a child has properly secured their knowledge of place values before they progress to their later years in primary school.
On this page you can find our extensive collection of Grade 3 place value worksheets designed to keep your child mentally stimulated with all sorts of place value problems. Our sheets are made to provide a healthy challenge to any student, regardless of their learning pace. We also include clear and highly-detailed illustrations so your child can get a better look at how place values work.
For homeschooling parents, to see your child correctly identify a number’s place value caps a significant milestone in their understanding of math’s fundamental concepts. With a little encouragement, patience, and regular practice alongside other math topics at their level, they’ll be sliding past Grade 3 math in no time.
Of course, it’s not uncommon for many children to become confused with place values, so it can be useful to approach the topic through different methods. In fact, you can try a variety of fun exercises for kids to enjoy learning about this basic math concept.
One particularly stimulating exercise comes with a Build-A-Number-Mat, which you can prepare at home or at school. This simple but efficient learning aid can be made with manila paper, thin cardboard, construction paper, or bond paper. Use a sturdy type of paper for the base and draw a table with several columns, labelling each with different place values.
Next, cut strips of paper in different colors. Each color should have multiple strips containing the same power of ten – for example, green strips could be for 1, while blue strips can stand for 10 and red strips for 100.
The Build-A-Number game can be conducted as a group activity for your learners’ next class. Give each group a mat and a jar of number strips, as well as some glue or tape. Once they’re ready, show them a particular number. Their challenge will be to build the number by placing the appropriate number of strips in the correct place value column. This game can simultaneously engage their speed and critical thinking.
Whether you’re a teacher at school or a hardworking, homeschooling parent, there’s no denying that it can get tiresome to prepare your little learners’ worksheets for each day in class. That’s why we’ve prepared this place value collection for you. Feel free to save and download our Grade 3 place value worksheets anytime you need extra learning materials for your kids’ lessons. You might also like to bookmark this website for future use so you’re always a single click away from accessing our vast repository of math worksheets.