Rounding worksheets 3rd grade

Rounding worksheets 3rd grade - Round up numbers to the nearest unit, ten, hundred or thousand.

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 Round up numbers to the nearest ten worksheet

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Rounding worksheets 3rd grade

Grade 3 Worksheets >

Rounding numbers is a concept that is traditionally taught in elementary school. For some kids, it can be a lighter and less challenging subject in their math lessons compared to arithmetics and basic geometry. Learning how to round numbers is of practical importance; as your child grows, they will find many occasions in which providing a quick estimation of a number is more important than taking time to crunch the exact value of a quantity.
On this page, you can find our selection of rounding worksheets - 3rd grade. Each file is ready to be saved and downloaded for your teaching needs. Have a faster and much more convenient way to preparing the papers for your child’s next math test, quiz, assignment or group activity with our growing library of high-quality math sheets!
A child can pick up how to round numbers quickly. To get things started, try the following exercise. Give them a number in the double digits – for example, 67. Let them know that they can round the number up to the nearest tens – 70, in this case. It’s important for them to grasp that numbers that end in 0 to 4 should be rounded down, while those that end in 5 to 9 are to be rounded up. 
If you recall your significant figures, especially if you enjoy chemistry and doing stoichiometry, you might also remember an additional rule in which a number ending in 5 can be rounded up or down depending on the value of the number in the tens’ place value. While this rule will become relevant for your child in later years, it can seem a little complicated, so you might want to introduce it when they’ve already become proficient with rounding numbers.
It’s not uncommon to face a little difficulty with teaching a child how to round numbers. Apart from regularly practicing their skills with the help of our worksheets, it’s also crucial for children to have enough breaks, bed rest, and encouragement to stay physically and mentally ready for learning all of these new math skills.
Consider that there are many real world situations in which your child can apply their skills in rounding numbers. When you next take them with you to buy a few items at the grocery or convenience store, have them bring a pad and a pen along and jot down the total of each item’s price. You can then ask them to round up the total to the nearest dollar to know how much should be paid at the register.

You’ll be pleased to know that our worksheets are available as PDFs; unlike with traditional .DOC files, in which text, images and other elements can become disorganized when you open them on the PC, the layout of our worksheets will remain neat and clean. Our rounding worksheets – 3rd grade are designed to be easy to read and legible. We also make sure to leave enough space on the margins for your child to handily store their solutions.