Math doubles facts - Addition of doubles basketball game

Math doubles facts - Addition of doubles basketball game

Addition of two numbers of the same value

The addition is one of the four operations used in mathematics. The addition is the process of adding numbers together and those numbers are called the addends. The addition could also be between two numbers that have the same value. Meaning that those two numbers are the same and have the same amount. The addition of these numbers that have the same value is compared using the (=) equal sign.
Let’s have an example, 3 + 7 = 5 + 5. If we try to solve and add for both sides of the equation, it would be 10 = 10. Therefore, we can say that 3 + 7 = 5 + 5 is true and both sides have the equal and same value.
In addition, we must always remember that the number of numbers to be added on both sides will not always be two numbers.
Let’s have an example with 3 addend numbers, (7 + 2) + 9 = 8 + (7 + 3). Some numbers are enclosed in parenthesis, thus the numbers inside the parenthesis are supposed to be added first then they will be added to the numbers outside of the parenthesis. The first parenthesis we have is 7 + 2 which is 11 so the equation on the left side will be (11) + 9 which equals 18. The equation on the right also has numbers inside a parenthesis and those numbers are 7 + 3 which equals 10, the right side would look like (10) + 8.
Consequently, the answer to (7 + 2) + 9 = 8 + (7 + 3) is true because the answers to both sides are 18 = 18.