Adding fractions with same denominator basketball game

Adding fractions with same denominator basketball game

Learn addition of fractions that have common denominators

The addition of fractions is an easy task to do in any number you can think of. But how do you add fractions? And the ones that have common denominators? Denominators are the number under the line that is below the numerator, the numerator is the number on top of the line.
Now, when we say common denominator, it means that two fractions have the same denominator under them. For example, 3/10 and 1/10, as you can see both the fractions have the same denominator which is 10. When a fraction has common denominators, and you need to add them together, just simply add the numerators together and copy the denominator. For example 3/10 and 1/10, we just have to add 3 and 1 together which is 4, then copy their common denominator, which is 10, giving us the final answer of 4/10 or 2/5 in simplified terms.
As explained above, adding fractions with common or same denominators, the numerators just need to be added together and copy the denominator. No extra step is needed as they already have the same denominators.
Moreover, you can also use boxes or shaded circles to add fractions with common denominators. Just like our example, if we have a common denominator of 10, then the parts of the circle must be divided into 10. After that, shade the 3 parts of it to represent the 3/10 and add 1 more shaded part to represent the 1/10 fraction. After shading all the necessary parts together, count the total parts shaded over the overall number of parts on the circle, which we will have 4/10 or 2/5 in simplified terms.