Convert fraction into decimal basketball game online

Convert fraction into decimal basketball game online

How to convert fractions to decimals

Converting fractions to decimals is easy if you already know and mastered how to do the long division or, of course, you can use a calculator to make things easier. The first step in converting fractions to decimals is to divide the numerator by its denominator or in other words, divide the number on top by the number below it.
As we all know, using a calculator to convert fractions into decimals is like using the elevator to reach the rooftop instead of using the stairs. It’s that easy to convert fractions into decimals if allowed to use a calculator but if given any situations, knowing how to use the long division to turn fractions into decimals is very handy knowledge.
As mentioned earlier, using long division on fractions will turn it into decimals, the numerator should be divided by the denominator to determine its value in decimals. The first step is to set up the long division but put the numerator inside the division bracket while the denominator outside. Then, proceed to divide the numbers. The number on the outside might be too big for the numerator inside so we have to put a dot or point beside the numerator that is inside and above the division bracket. Put a 0 next to the numerator and above as well.
For example, ½ the numerator will be inside while the denominator will be outside so if we try to divide them, 1 will not be enough to be divided by 2 so we put a dot and a 0 next to it to become 1.0 then when we divide it by 2, it will be 0.5 on top of the division bracket. Therefore, 0.5 is the decimal value of the fraction ½.