Online Basketball Money Game For Kids

Online Basketball Money Game For Kids

Teach children about money with pictures

When it comes to teaching children, it is most effective when we provide them with pictures as it stimulates their imagination. It is also encouraged to use real money printouts, like play money, to let the children familiarize with how it actually looks like.
The important thing when teaching them about money using pictures is that they are aware of what and how to use it. The very purpose of money is to spend it and in teaching children about money, we should always prioritize to teach them how to spend responsibly.
Now, if you have pictures, cutouts, and printouts of money, you can devise a game in which the children can play shopping using the play moneys. By doing this game, you can teach them 3 or more lessons at once, like addition, subtraction, and even multiplication. You can also printout fruits for them to buy as an imaginary product during the game or their play time. This will actually give them sense of how money works in real life, therefore they would be able to spend wisely and responsibly in real situations.
But, if we are in a pandemic and most classes are held online, there is also an alternative for this. You can send them a copy of an activity sheet in which they have to print it out and match the amount on the paper. This will help them to recognize how much money they have or how money looks like and how they can add coins and bills together to reach a certain amount of money.