Multiplication of five digits basketball game online

Multiplication of five digits basketball game online

Practice multiplication of five digit numbers

Before you start practicing multiplication of five digit numbers, it is important to know first the place value of each numbers namely ones, tens, hundreds, etc. In a five digit number, there are also five place values that should be addressed which are the ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.
Let’s try an example to practice this, say 12, 345 x 3, with this example we need to multiply all numbers from different place value to number 3 which is ones. Now, we have to start with ones which is on the right to ten thousands, which is on the left. The numbers with the place value of ones are 5 x 3 = 15, as you can see we have a product with two numbers, so we have to carry the number to the next column which is the tens.
Now, in the tens column we have 4 x 3 which is 12 then we add the number we carried from the ones column, which is 1, and we will have 13 for our answer in the tens column. But again, we have to carry the number 1 from 13 since we can’t write it down like that.  
Going to the hundreds column, we have 3 x 3 = 9 plus the number that was carried from the tens column, we will now have 10. And since we have another product with two digits, we need to carry the 1 from 10 to the next column again, the thousands.
In the thousands column, we do have 2 x 3 = 6 plus the number that we carried from the hundreds column which is 1, we now have 7. And that product is only one, so we write it down as is without needing to carry any number to the next column.
Lastly, we have the number in ten thousands which is 1 multiplied to 3, remember that any number multiplied to 1 will still be the same answer. Therefore, we have 3 for our answer in this column.

To conclude the whole calculation we did, the product of 12, 345 x 3 = 37, 035.