Prime and composite numbers basketball game

Prime and composite numbers basketball game

Learn about prime and composite numbers

Numbers are not just numbers; they have different characteristics that may or may not make them different from other numbers. An example of these characteristics are prime and composite numbers. A number is called a prime number when it only has two factors which is 1 and the number itself, take note that 1 is not considered a prime number. An example of prime numbers are odd numbers except for 2, they can only be divided by 1 or their own number, they are also not a product of any other number except 1 and their number itself. On a side note, all prime numbers are odd but not all odd numbers are prime. In short, they are numbers which can only be divided or be a product of only two numbers and nothing more. One example of a prime number is 43, it is not a product of any other numbers except 1 and 43 itself, unlike 42 that can be a product of 7x6, 42x1, 21x2 and more.
But, if there are prime numbers, of course there are also composite numbers. Composite numbers are numbers with more than 2 factors just like 42 or numbers that can be divided and be a product of more than 2 numbers. Another example of a composite number aside from the previous one is 56, this number can be a product of 1 and 56, not just two numbers but also 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, and 28. If we multiply 1 by 56, 2 by 28, 4 by 14, and 7 by 8, it will give us the product of 56. Therefore, we can conclude that 56 and all the other numbers with more than two factors are composite numbers.