Shapes name game for kids | Crocodile game

Shapes name game for kids | Crocodile game - Children are exposed to pictures of various shapes from a young age. It helps develop their ability to interpret visual information - which is helpful for real-life lessons, such as reading road signs, cooking and baking, organizing their belongings and doing arts and crafts.
While the prospect can seem distant, when kids learn how to identify shapes, they’re also laying the groundwork for studying geometry in elementary and high school.
Shapes are also important in sharpening pattern recognition in kids, specifically through studying how polygons are named based on the number of sides they possess.
Through this crocodile game on learning shapes, your kids or students can practice identifying shapes through a riveting activity based on Snakes and Ladders. To further reinforce a child’s vocabulary, we’ve included both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
The player takes control of the spunky frog in the pink circle. Their objective is to assist the frog in returning to its own lily pad at the bottom-right of the screen by rolling the die.
As each turn ends, the player will be presented with a picture of a shape. To proceed, they must identify the shape correctly. Otherwise, the frog has to step back two paces in disappointment.
A nest of crocodiles makes things harder for the players, as they scare the frog back to the starting point if it ever lands on their scaly snouts. While returning to the very start can be frustrating, constant practice can help children beat the game in no time at all.