Decimal Worksheets 4th Grade

Decimal Worksheets 4th Grade - Download a free collection of printable decimals worksheets for fourth grade. Click on the links below.


Addition of three decimal numbers worksheet

Addition of decimals in a circle drill puzzle test sheet

Addition of decimals with regrouping test sheet

Comparison of decimals - greater than, less than, equal to

Converting a fraction to a decimal value worksheet pdf

Subtraction with decimals circle drill puzzle sheet

Converting fractions to decimals worksheet pdf


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Decimal Worksheets 4th Grade

Grade 4 Worksheets >

Whole numbers aren’t the only type of number out there that is used in math problems, as the fourth grade will make it abundantly clear that other rational numbers, such as fractions and decimals, exist.
Your child will have already encountered the concept of said numbers all the way back in kindergarten through examples such as simple pie fractions and thermometer readings, but they have yet to work with these quantities in actual math equations. Decimals, at first glance, can appear like ordinary whole numbers, although their introduction to a math equation with other whole numbers will necessitate a few changes in solving. Give your kids enough experience to deal with decimals speedily and surely with these Decimal Worksheets 4th Grade.
The only thing that fundamentally sets decimals apart from whole numbers in form is a tiny dot, dividing the number into its whole number component and the fractional component. When kids are introduced to decimals, they’ll first learn to identify this crucial difference.
Children will then find out that when decimals are part of an arithmetic problem, the equation has to make a few alterations. This is most evident in the case with addition and subtraction, as all of the numbers are ideally aligned along the decimal point before solving. Teachers are careful in reminding kids of this tiny change, as it prevents them from accidentally adding a fractional part as a whole number, or vice versa.
In multiplication, the change is a bit trickier, but more subtle. After multiplying the products as normal, a decimal point must be added to the product. This point is added to the left of the same amount of digits as all of the digits to the right of each factor’s respective decimal points. In practice, this means that a times problem between a number with two digits after the decimal point, and another number with one digit after its point, yields a product with three digits after its own decimal point.
In dividing, the decimal point of the dividend occupies the same position as the quotient above. A divisor’s decimal point has to be moved all the way to the right, with the dividend’s point also relocated by the same number of spaces.
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