Addition and subtraction game - Car Race Game Online

Addition and subtraction game - Car Race Game Online

2nd-grade Addition and subtraction game

Addition and subtraction are the operations that most students learn in their early elementary. But using both in an equation seems to create confusion among the learners. Now, how do you add and subtract numbers at the same time? Is that even possible? Addition and subtraction of numbers are operations that 2nd-grade students have probably already known a lot on their own. But how do they use both of them in one single equation? In grade 2, there are equations with missing addends. Now, we all know that when an equation has 2 addends and a missing sum, the operation to be used is always addition, but how about when there is a given sum and only one addend? This is where subtraction will be used in an equation even though it has an addition symbol, although the equation says that it should be added, you will not be able to add the addends together if there is a missing one. That is why you should subtract the given numbers from each other to figure out the missing addend. The logic to these kinds of equations is that, when you add two addends together, you get the sum. But if you have a missing addend, subtracting the sum and the given addends will give you the missing addend that is needed for the equation to be complete.