2nd Grade Plave Value Game - Space Alien Game

2nd grade Place value game Place value, everything has its own value in life, the same goes for numbers. The only thing that differs numbers from real-life objects is that their place value varies on which column they are in. So, in 2nd grade, students mostly learn about up to 3 place values. These 3 place values, namely, hundreds, tens, and ones, can all be determined depending on their position in the whole number. So, for example, 765 has 3 digits and there are 3 place values as well. Number's place value starts with the very far right of the number and always starts with ones, therefore the number 5 on the right side has the place value of 5. The second number next to the number with ones place value is called tens, hence 6 has the place value of tens in this number. Lastly, the number in the third place in a number is called hundreds, thus the number 7 is in the hundreds place value. The importance of knowing how to identify place values is that you will be able to identify their value and sometimes could even help with the pronunciation of the whole number. On our example, 765, you can be able to read it according to its place value. 7 in the hundreds place value is 700, 6 in tens value is 60, and the 5 in the ones place value is still 5.