4th Grade Addition Of Numbers To 1000

4th Grade Addition Of Numbers To 1000 - The whole world is made up of numbers, from switching channels of your favorite TV shows to earning money for a living. Even though we find numbers somewhat boring, we just cannot escape from their existence! Numbers play a huge part in our lives as these educate people on how our number system works and how numbers connect to one another. In a more specific discussion, addition of numbers is one of the basic skills we should acquire in our lives, it provides us a framework for understanding math in school, which makes it easier for us as we move on and progress with our education. Addition is the process of combining two or more numbers to make a new total. When we add numbers with more than 3 digits to one another, the process is still the same. First, identify which one is the larger number, and the smaller number. Second, put the larger number on top of the smaller number and line up the unit’s digits depending on their place value. Third, put a line beneath the smaller number, and add the digits in the unit’s column starting from the right. Fourth, write the sum of each digit below the line; when a sum of a number contains 2 units (e.g. if the sum is 10 or above), write the first unit in the ones column, and carry the other unit to a position above the tens column. Repeat the process until all the numbers in the column are summed up!