How to do an S in Cursive | PDF Worksheet

How to do an S in Cursive - Cursive writing is a skill that has been taught to generations of students as a means of improving their penmanship and creating a unique style of writing. The letter "S" is one of the most important and commonly used letters in the English language, and knowing how to write it in cursive can greatly enhance your ability to write legibly and elegantly. However, many people struggle with creating a smooth and flowing "S" in cursive. In this guide, we will explore some tips and techniques for mastering the art of writing a beautiful cursive "S". Whether you are a student looking to improve your handwriting or simply want to develop a more refined writing style, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to create a flawless cursive "S".


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Mastering the Art of Writing a Capital 'S' in Cursive: A Comprehensive Guide


Cursive writing, an elegant form of penmanship, is an essential skill that every individual should possess. It not only enhances your handwriting but also facilitates faster and smoother writing. One of the most challenging cursive letters to master is the capital 'S.' In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the steps to write a cursive capital 'S' effortlessly. With consistent practice and the right techniques, you will soon be able to write a beautiful and confident capital 'S' in cursive.

Section 1: Understanding the Cursive Capital 'S'

1.1 The Anatomy of a Cursive Capital 'S'

Before learning to write a cursive capital 'S,' it is crucial to understand its structure. A cursive capital 'S' has a unique shape, with curves and loops that distinguish it from its print counterpart. It starts with an upward curve, followed by a counter-clockwise loop and finishes with a downward tail.

1.2 Why Is the Capital 'S' Challenging?

The cursive capital 'S' is considered difficult to master because of its intricate design, which is quite different from the print version. Unlike other cursive capital letters, the 'S' does not follow a continuous flow, making it challenging for beginners.

Section 2: Steps to Write a Cursive Capital 'S'

2.1 Preparing for Writing

To ensure a flawless cursive capital 'S,' make sure you have the following:

  • A smooth writing surface
  • A comfortable pen or pencil
  • Lined paper to maintain consistency in size and alignment

2.2 Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Cursive Capital 'S'

Follow these simple steps to write a beautiful cursive capital 'S':

Step 1: Start at the baseline, slightly to the right of where the 'S' will be placed. Draw a slightly curved line upward at a 45-degree angle, reaching the top line.

Step 2: From the top point, draw a counter-clockwise loop by curving the line to the left and then down, forming a small oval shape.

Step 3: Continue the line downward and to the right, crossing the baseline to create a lower loop. This loop should be larger than the top one.

Step 4: Curve the line back upwards and to the left, connecting it to the starting point of the next letter in the word, ensuring a seamless transition.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks for Perfecting the Cursive Capital 'S'

3.1 Consistent Practice

Consistent practice is the key to perfecting your cursive capital 'S.' Set aside time each day to practice writing the letter, and soon you'll notice improvements in your technique.

3.2 Use Tracing Worksheets

Tracing worksheets can help you get a feel for the correct shape and flow of the cursive capital 'S.' Print out worksheets or create your own, and practice tracing the letter until you become confident enough to write it without guidance.

3.3 Focus on Proper Penmanship

Maintaining proper penmanship is crucial for mastering the cursive capital 'S.' Ensure you have a relaxed grip on your writing tool and that your wrist and fingers are flexible while writing.

3.4 Learn from Others

Watch online tutorials or observe others writing a cursive capital 'S.' This will give you a better understanding of the technique and help you identify areas where you can improve.

Section 4: Incorporating the Cursive Capital 'S' into Your Writing

4.1 Write in Complete Sentences

Once you have mastered the cursive capital 'S,' practice incorporating it into your everyday writing. Write complete sentences or paragraphs, ensuring a seamless connection between the capital 'S' and the following letters.

4.2 Practice with Different Words

To become proficient in writing a cursive capital 'S,' practice using it in different words and contexts. This will help you understand how the letter connects to various lowercase letters and refine your technique.

4.3 Experiment with Writing Styles

Try writing the cursive capital 'S' using different writing tools, such as pencils, ballpoint pens, and fountain pens. Each tool requires a unique grip and pressure, so experimenting with various instruments will enhance your skill.

4.4 Be Patient and Persistent

Mastering the cursive capital 'S' takes time and persistence. Don't get discouraged if you don't achieve perfection right away. With consistent practice and dedication, you'll soon be able to write a flawless cursive capital 'S.'


Learning to write a cursive capital 'S' is a valuable skill that can significantly improve your handwriting and overall penmanship. By understanding the anatomy of the letter, following the step-by-step guide, and incorporating helpful tips and tricks, you'll soon be able to write a beautiful and confident capital 'S' in cursive. Remember, consistent practice is the key to success, so keep working on your technique until it becomes second nature. Embrace the elegance of cursive writing and take your penmanship to new heights with a perfectly crafted capital 'S.'

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

  • Step 1: Start with the Right Equipment Before you begin practicing, it's important to make sure you have the right equipment. You'll need a pen or pencil that's comfortable for you to hold and that produces smooth, consistent lines. You'll also need some paper that's lined or has a guide sheet to help you keep your letters uniform in size.
  • Step 2: Begin with a Loop To start your cursive "S", begin with a small loop at the top of your letter. This loop should be about the size of a lowercase "e". The loop should be rounded, smooth, and connected to the next part of the letter.
  • Step 3: Create a Curve After you've made your loop, it's time to create the curve that will form the body of the "S". This curve should be wider than the loop and should flow smoothly into the next part of the letter. Make sure your curve is even and doesn't dip too low or rise too high.
  • Step 4: Create the Second Loop Once you've created your curve, it's time to create the second loop at the bottom of your letter. This loop should be about the same size as the first loop and should be connected to the bottom of the curve. The loop should be rounded and smooth, just like the first loop.
  • Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practice Now that you know the basic steps for creating a cursive "S", it's time to practice. Take your pen or pencil and a sheet of lined paper, and start writing "S" repeatedly. Focus on making each letter look as similar as possible, with even loops and curves.

As you practice, pay attention to your hand position and the pressure you're applying to the pen or pencil. Try to keep your hand relaxed and use a light touch. This will help you create smooth, flowing letters that look elegant and effortless.

  • Step 6: Refine Your Technique As you practice, you may notice areas where you need to improve. Pay attention to any areas where your loops or curves are uneven, and try to make corrections as you write. You can also experiment with different styles of cursive "S" to find the one that works best for you.
  • Step 7: Apply Your New Skill Once you've mastered the cursive "S", you can start using it in your everyday writing. Try adding cursive to your signature, or use it to write personal notes or letters. You'll be surprised at how much more sophisticated and elegant your writing looks with the addition of cursive.

In conclusion, learning how to do an "S" in cursive is a great way to add a touch of elegance to your writing. With a little practice and patience, you can master this beautiful letter and start using it in your everyday writing. Remember to start with the right equipment, practice consistently, and refine your technique as you go. With these tips, you'll be writing beautiful cursive "S" in no time!