Graphing for pre-schoolers

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Graphing for pre-schoolers worksheets for kids

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This page contain activities on graphing for pre-schoolers. A graph is a visual representation of data from a table or from any life event. There are several types of graphs in existence, examples of which include line graphs, bar graphs, or coordinate graphs. In the current case children will learn how to represent data on picture graphs also referred to as pictograms. For example, if children visited a farm, you can ask them to represent the number of animals they saw through a pictogram. For example if they saw three sheep in the farm, against the picture of the sheep will be written the number three. If they saw ten cows, the number ten will be written by the picture of cows. Pictographs are easy to read and are great ways for children to learn about graphs. Graphing for pre-schoolers doesn’t get more complicated than this. We also have worksheets for pre-k on graphs as well as online games to add some fun to the exercise. This sheet is a free pdf download; come back for more and please share.